An Introduction to Career Coaching
An Introduction to Career Coaching: Let me start by asking you a question, ‘are you happy in your career’? If your answer is ‘yes’, then stop reading now. However, if your answer is ‘no’ then continue reading…
Have you ever wanted to get a promotion, start a business or make a career change but never quite got around to it? Keep reading…
What is Career Coaching?
As an introduction to career coaching, it is a practice of inspiring and motivating people to make significant and meaningful changes in their careers. It is holistic and considers all areas of a client’s life, including family, relationships, contribution to society, health, wealth and happiness.
A coach guides, motivates, inspires and encourages but never tells a client what to do. Through active listening, good communication, questioning, interpretation and evaluation, a career coach will use specific tools and techniques to move a client towards their stated career goals. You, as the client, will set the pace and ultimately make the changes necessary in your life to achieve your desired career goals.
Career coaches are there to push you to make changes to your career for the better.
Great things never come from staying in your comfort zone.
How does Career Coaching work?
The client will start by completing a few career related tasks in order to get a full understanding of their current career situation. They will also outline their future aims, it does not matter at this stage if the client does not know, as this can be worked on in the career coaching sessions.
Coaches meet up with their clients, on a regular basis, either face to face, online or over the phone. In these sessions, the career coach will ask questions about the client’s current career situation and future aims. Throughout these discussions actions will be identified towards the future aims for the client to complete before the next session.
During the next session, the prior weeks achievements will be discussed and goals will be set for the following week. After each session, the bar will be raised, and the focus will be on results, results, results!
Career coaching is your opportunity to take your career from good to great!
What are the benefits of Career Coaching?
Positive Career Changes: When you work with a career coach your career will change for the better, so be prepared.
Increase Your Confidence: As you overcome your fears and take actions outside your comfort zone, you will build up your self confidence.
Removing Limitations: Coaching encourages you to remove any limiting beliefs you might have placed upon yourself. This can result in you becoming more creative, proactive, and motivated to succeed.
Happier: Through career coaching you will get your career on the track you have chosen rather than drifting along without any direction in your career. This will ultimately make you happier.
Goal Setting: A coach will assist you in setting reasonable and attainable actions towards your career ambitions and goals.
Ultimately the goal of career coaching is to inspire and motivate you to build a happier and more fulfilled life by focusing on making changes in your career.
What Should You Do Next
Caroline Wellingham is an Accredited Career Coach and a certified NLP Practitioner. She loves encouraging, motivating and inspiring clients to achieve their career goals and ambitions. If you want to become passionate about your career and you think you could benefit from a career change coach then book in for a free 30 minute consultation>>> click here
Identify Your Strengths>>> click here
Career Change Workshop>>> click here
Work with Caroline Wellingham>>> click here