Why You Should Complete a Life Assessment

One of the things I love most about coaching my clients is the fact that they are taking time out from their busy lives to really think about where they are right now and where they want to be in the future. I find that people can go for months, even years, without thinking about what they really want, life gets in the way… one week turns into the next week, you are busy with jobs, washing, going out, that you forget to actually spend time thinking about yourself.

Part of coaching is about investing in yourself, not just money but also the time. You no longer avoid the big questions you may have been avoiding e.g what do I really want to do with my life, where do I want to be in 3 years, what needs to happen now to help your future self?

In order to kick start this process, I want you to go through this Life Assessment questionnaire document taken from the Compound Effect book by Darren Hardy, which asks you questions in all areas of your life and then at the end you complete your “wheel of life”. No one else will see this, it is totally personal to you. It will raise some questions, for example, if you would like to spend more time with your family, why aren’t you currently doing it and what can you change in your life in order to make that happen i.e. what actions are you going to take. It is your opportunity to take a step back and spend some time focusing on you.


What Should You Do Next?

I am an accredited life coach and I love encouraging, motivating and inspiring my clients to achieve their goals and ambitions. If you think you could benefit from a life coach then please book in for your free 25 minute mini life coaching session at a time convenient for you: https://calendly.com/raisethebarlife/25-minute-taster-coaching-session